
The Early Years

Ever since I was a young girl, I dreamed of doing something to help improve the quality of people’s lives. With my parents’ Paraguayan cultural custom of using herbs daily, I never would have guessed herbal medicine would be an avenue for my future holistic practice. My mother’s fresh salads and home cooked meals laid the foundation for life long health. To this day, I must have a salad with dinner!

The World Beyond Home

While studying at New York University, I saw how our modern lifestyle separated us from Nature. Knowing that I wanted to have more Nature around me, I moved to beautiful Arizona where I worked on the Human Growth and Wellbeing Project. Thanks to this project I saw how we can make a difference in people’s lives when we understand human behavior and come from the heart. It was an eye opening research study and it was the start of my path in health and healing.

The Birth of a Naturopathic Mind

After graduation, I traveled to Peru and met the first energy healer who would change my perspective on improving quality of life. I learned about the energy in all living things and how to sense it. I came across the idea of changing the world one person at a time. The more I thought about it, the more I knew I was onto something much greater than I originally imagined.

The Tipping Point

Shortly after returning from South America, I was in a car accident that profoundly changed my life. My recovery took several months and it was the deepest journey into myself to understand healing. Despite using herbs, oils and healthy nutrition to get back on my feet, my broken bones didn’t heal. I needed surgery. I went through the surgery – side effects and all! I did physical therapy (pain included) and, yet, my body did not fully heal. I recovered my health after seeing a chiropractor, an acupuncturist, a naprapath and doing my own yoga practice. I discovered true holistic and integrative healing through those practitioners. Upon my full and total recovery, I learned about Naturopathic Medicine. This type of medicine brought different systems of healing together to create health. I knew I found my path when I found Naturopathic Medicine.


Since obtaining my degree from the National College of Naturopathic Medicine (NCNM), I worked delivering babies at home to treating people with cancer, allergies, digestive, hormonal and chronic illnesses. I am changing the world raising awareness through public lectures, university classes, teaching health care practitioners and most importantly, educating clients one person at a time.